Friday, August 7, 2009

Application Deadline for 14ninetytwo Early Stage Technology Virtual Incubator is 8-10-09

Deadline for Applying for 14ninetytwo Early Stage Technology Virtual Incubator Fast Approaching

August 6, 2009

August 10 is the deadline for entrepreneurs interested in applying for the 14ninetytwo early state technology virtual incubator. The program is designed to support those with innovative ideas for a new product or application especially in the realm of Web 2.0 or mobile technologies.

14ninetytwo is unique in that it doesn’t require you to quit your day job in order to pursue your entrepreneurial endeavor. Approximately 12-15 applicants will be chosen to participate in a Weekend of Discovery August 21-23. During this intense boot camp weekend startup specialists, business professionals and seasoned entrepreneurs will provide coaching, mentoring and advice on taking an innovative idea into a viable business. The weekend will feature experts in legal, finance, company formation and structure, marketing, capital access and more.

On Sunday, all participating companies will “pitch” their business idea based on the principles they’ve learned over the weekend and three of these companies will be chosen for further incubation services. 14ninetytwo will provide the resources to these three companies to enable them, within 90 days, to emerge from the program with a working prototype of their idea, a fully fleshed out business plan and a clear path to their first customer.

The program is supported by Ohio Third Frontier and TechColumbus. It is managed by local entrepreneur Willie Neumann and taps into the vast resources of the entrepreneurial community in Central Ohio.

For more details and the online application, see the 14ninetytwo Web site.


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